Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma announced on Friday that they had organised a campaign to raise funds for COVID-19 relief work in India. Virat and Anushka themselves donated Rs 2 crore to the campaign and urged others to "come together and help our India". On Saturday, the Indian cricket team captain took to Twitter to reveal that the campaign had received a Rs 3.6 crore in donations in just 24 hours, saying he was overwhelmed with the response. Virat's wife and Bollywood star Anushka too tweeted saying she was grateful to everyone who had donated so far.
Virat Kohli, Anushka Sharma "Overwhelmed With Response" To Fund-Raising Campaign For COVID-19 Relief
Virat Kohli took to Twitter to reveal that the campaign had received a total of Rs 3.6 crore in donations in just 24 hours.
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma, on Friday, started a fund-raising campaign for COVD-19 relief work.© Instagram
- Virat Kohli says he is overwhelmed with response to fund-raising campaign
- Virat and Anushka organised a campaign to raise funds for COVID-19 relief
- The star couple donated Rs 2 crore to the fund
"Since the Covid-19 outbreak, our country is going through trying times, our health systems are being challenged, we need to come together and help our India," Kohli wrote in an Instagram post.
"Anushka and I have started a campaign on Ketto, to raise funds for Covid-19 relief, and we would be grateful for your support. No amount is too small to save lives."
"We will do everything we can to make a difference, but we need your help to fight this. I urge you all to join our movement. Let's do our part to keep our country safe and strong. Thank you.Click on the link in my bio to make an impact," Kohli wrote.
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