India batter Virat Kohli and Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma are spending some quality time in London. The married couple -- who have a daughter named Vamika -- was spotted at Krishna Das' 'kirtan' in the capital city of England. Videos and pictures of the couple from the event is going viral on social media. In the shared clips, the duo could be seen taking their seats. It is worth noting that Krishna Das is a renowned American vocalist who is famous for his Hindu devotional songs. Kohli and Anushka had attended Das' 'kirtan' last year as well.
Watch the viral videos and pictures here:
Star India batter Virat Kohli is one of the most popular athletes in the world at the moment. With over 252 million followers on Instagram, Kohli enjoys one of the biggest followings on social media. As per Stock Gro, Kohli has a net worth of Rs 1,050 crore, which is currently the highest among international cricketers. The 34-year-old earns Rs 7 crore from his "A+" Team India contract. His match fee for each Test is Rs 15 lakh, ODI is Rs 6 lakh, and Rs 3 lakh per T20 match.
Also, the former India captain earns Rs 15 crore annually from his Indian Premier League (IPL) contract with Royal Challengers Bangalore.
The right-handed batter was a part of India's World Test Championship final team that lost to Australia this month. He is expected to return to the field during India's upcoming tour of West Indies.