Former India batter Aakash Chopra now plies his trade mostly as a commentator and analyst. He is also quite active on social media, often interacting with fans and also giving his two bits on ongoing matches. On Tuesday, a fan thanked him for replying to his query on his Youtube channel, to which Chopra responded by saying "Aapka channel hai dost (It's your channel, friend)". Another user tried to troll the former opener by commenting "Password dena Jara (Give your password then)". But Chopra took on the googly and smashed it out of the park with his reply.
"Hardwork_creativity@persistence," he wrote in his response.
Other users chimed in to praise Chopra for his witty response.
"Wah sir !sahi khel gaye (Well played)," tweeted one user.
"Very nice," wrote another.
Another user joked that the password was working.
"Savage as always," wrote one user.
The person who had posted the initial tweet also responded, happy to have gotten a reaction from the former player.
"GOAT replied," he tweeted.