India skipper Rohit Sharma and his wife Ritika Sajdeh celebrated their eighth wedding anniversary on Wednesday. After dating each other for a long time, they tied knot in 2015 and become one of the most loved couples in cricket. The couple got blessed with a baby girl, Samaira in 2018. On many occasions, Ritika has been seen supporting Rohit from the stands during the matches, which always leaves the fans in awe. To celebrate their special day, Ritika posted a series of pictures with Rohit and her daughter along with a heartfelt caption.
"To The Boy Who Changed...": Ritika Sajdeh's Post For Rohit Sharma On Anniversary Is Viral
India skipper Rohit Sharma and his wife Ritika Sajdeh celebrated their eighth wedding anniversary on Wednesday.
Indian cricket team Rohit Sharma with wife Ritika Sajdeh© Instagram
Talking about Rohit, the Indian skipper has taken a break from cricket after the disappointing loss in the final of the ODI World Cup 2023 against Australia.
Rohit's IPL franchise Mumbai Indians shared a video on their Twitter, where he spoke about how he felt after India's loss.
"I had no idea how to come back from this. I had no clue what to do. My family and friends kept me going, and kept things pretty light around me, which was quite helpful. It was not easy to digest, but life moves on and you have to move on. Honestly, it was tough and it was not so easy to move on," Rohit said.
The Indian skipper missed out on the five-match T20I series against Australia and also did not participate in the ongoing white-ball series against South Africa.
He will now return to action on December 26 for the two-match Test series against South Africa.
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