Indian cricket team legend Sunil Gavaskar said on Thursday that he would like Rohit Sharma & Co to win the World Test Championship and the ODI World Cup in 2023. Team India has performed brilliantly in the ongoing Test series against Australia by winning the first two matches comfortably. Another victory for the team in the remaining two matches will book their spot in the WTC final. On the other hand, India will once again be looking to win the ODI World Cup title as the tournament's host nation.“When you see a champion being felicitated, you also want to be one. And when your athletes are improving their personal bests, that is when you know everything is on the right track. There are two titles that I'd like the Indian men's team to win — one is the World Test Championship and the ODI World Cup is the other. There is, of course, the Asia Cup in between these two. If that comes back to India, nothing quite like it," Gavaskar told Sportstar in a recent interaction.Earlier, Gavaskar criticised ex-Pakistan cricketers for constantly criticising Indian players."What the following for the game also does is to make the media, especially the online media, look to get more eyeballs or followers and so anything to do with cricket and especially about Indian players gets into the public domain even if it actually belittles them. That's the sad part especially when the views of those across the border get online in the Indian media. It's almost a daily thing to hear some former player from across the border pulling down an Indian player and saying the Pakistani player is better. What these guys know is that they will immediately get a response from the Indian fans who will defend their favourite player and in doing so, increasing the followers of the former player from across the border," Gavaskar wrote in his column for Mid-Day.
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