Former India cricketer Suresh Raina shared an adorable video on social media. In the shared clip, he can be seen gymming with dumbells. What made the video interesting was his little son Rio, who was trying to replicate his father. Raina tries to teach different exercises to his son in the video and the little boy too gives his best shot in learning. The netizens showered their love on the adorable video. While some called it cute, others sent heart emojis to express their love for the clip.
Watch: Suresh Raina's "Gym Buddy" Is The Most Adorable One
The netizens showered love on the adorable video shared by Suresh Raina. While some called it cute, others sent heart emojis to express their love for the clip.
Former India cricketer Suresh Raina (right) with his son Rio.
It is worth noting that Raina announced his retirement from all formats of cricket last week. The left-handed batter had already retired from international cricket in 2020 but it was in September this year that he decided to bid adieu to all the other formats of cricket as well. Raina announced his decision on Twitter.
Meanwhile, Raina's decision to call time on his international cricket had come in 15th August 2020, minutes after MS Dhoni announced the decision of his retirement from the highest level of cricket.
The 35-year-old Raina is among the few who have scored centuries across three formats in international cricket. He played 18 Tests, 226 ODIs and 78 T20 Internationals with nearly 8000 international runs.
Raina's greatest moment in international cricket was arguably a crucial unbeaten knock in a tricky World Cup quarter-final against Australia during the triumphant 2011 campaign.
The left-handed batter was a key member of Chennai Super Kings till the 2021 edition of the tournament, but the southpaw went unsold in the auction before the 2022 season.
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