Former India captain and current Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) President Sourav Ganguly said that he was "thrilled" about an upcoming biopic on him. "Cricket has been my life, it gave confidence and ability to walk forward with my head held high, a journey to be cherished," Ganguly tweeted. "Thrilled that Luv Films will produce a biopic on my journey and bring it to life for the big screen," he added. "We are thrilled to announce that Luv Films will produce Dada Sourav Ganguly's biopic. We are honoured to be entrusted with this responsibility and look forward to a great innings," the production house tweeted.
Sourav Ganguly is one of India's most successful captains and is credited for transforming Indian cricket.
'Dada', as he is popularly known, played his first Test in 1996, scoring a century against England at Lord's on debut, and followed it up with another century in the next Test.
He soon became a mainstay in the Indian batting order, and in 2000, after a match-fixing scandal hit the team, he was given captaincy.
Ganguly is credited with grooming new talent, with the likes of Virender Sehwag, Yuvraj Singh, Mohammad Kaif and Harbhajan Singh, among others, shining under his captaincy.
Ganguly captained India to the famous 2-1 Test series win against Australia in 2001 and then led India to a drawn series Down Under.
He also took India to the 2003 World Cup final, but they lost out on the title to Australia.
Ganguly called time on his career in 2008 after playing his last Test against Australia in Nagpur. The former skipper played 113 Tests and 311 ODIs for India.