Indian batter Shikhar Dhawan on Wednesday shared a hilarious reel on Instagram. Dhawan, who is very active on social media for his funny and unique content, wished the fans 'Valentine's day' in a quirky manner. The Punjab Kings skipper is going through a rough time in his both personal and professional life. The renowned opener has been overlooked for long in the national team. Some reports have suggested that the BCCI are clearly looking beyond him. Apart from this, Dhawan has also divorced his wife Ayesha Mukherji in October 2023.
Shikhar Dhawan's "Shadi Ho Gayi Hai" Video On Valentine's Day Is A Fodder For Memes
Indian batter Shikhar Dhawan on Wednesday shared a hilarious reel on Instagram
Shikhar Dhawan will be leading Punjab Kings in IPL 2024© Instagram
After the divorce, Dhawan remains away from his son Zoravar, with his wife Ayesha Mukherjee keeping the custody. Earlier in December Dhawan had shared an emotional post hoping his son will see it in an era of technology. In fact, that post isn't the only message the cricketer sent to his son despite knowing that he might not be receiving those texts that he is sending.
"I was not in pain. I was just expressing my thoughts. It has been five months since I have spoken to him, I was just expressing emotions. I am an emotional guy and I was just trying to send love to him, because if I will be sad while thinking about him that negative energy will get him. I never realized that this post will go viral. I just wrote it from my heart," Dhawan had said in a Humans of Bombay podcast.
"I wrote it with a hope that in an era of technology my son might end up reading my post. Wherever he is, I hope he is happy hopefully one day he would come and seem me. I am in love with him but at the same time I am also detached. I don't want to push him." Dhawan said about the Instagram post.
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