BCCI secretary Jay Shah confirmed on Wednesday that Rohit Sharma will be leading the Indian cricket team in the upcoming T20 World Cup. Shah was present at the Saurashtra Cricket Association Stadium in Khanderi, which was renamed after veteran cricket administrator Niranjan Shah, as the chief guest. During his speech, he said that although India lost the Cricket World Cup 2023 final against Australia, they will excel in the T20 World Cup under Rohit's leadership. "In 2023 (final) at Ahmedabad, even though we did not win the World Cup after 10 straight wins, we won hearts. I want to promise you that in 2024 (T20 World Cup) in Barbados (venue for the final), under Rohit Sharma's captaincy, hum Bharat ka jhanda gaadenge (we will hoist the Indian flag)," Shah said at the end of his speech.
Rohit was smiling when the announcement was made and his teammates applauded the confirmation around him. The video of the moment has already gone viral on social media.
"If Hardik was injured in the (2023 ODI) World Cup, who else can we give the captaincy?" asked Shah, indicating if the all-rounder gets injured during the course of the 2024 T20 World Cup, who will replace him as captain.
"In the third T20I against Afghanistan, India were 22/4 and the way he (Rohit Sharma) took the team to 212/4, we can't question much about him, right?" he added.
"He (Rohit) has the ability, as I said, we won 10 games in the ODI World Cup. We didn't win the final, but it's part and parcel of the game. Whoever plays better, wins," Shah expressed.
(With PTI inputs)