India captain Rohit Sharma continues to receive praises from the players, who have played under him. Rohit, who is currently India's captain in ODI and Test formats, quit T20Is after leading the team to the 2024 T20 World Cup title in June this year. Be it the experienced ones like Ravichandran Ashwin, KL Rahul and Mohammed Shami or youngster like Yashasvi Jaiswal, the players always get short of words while talking about Rohit's captaincy. Recently, young batter Sarfaraz Khan also heaped praises on the skipper and said that he is the Aamir Khan of movie 'Lagaan'.
"He is very different. He makes you feel very comfortable. Rohit Sharma is like a big brother. We enjoy a lot while playing under him," said Sarfaraz Khan on JioCinema as quoted by India Today. "First, I saw him from the outside, now I have played with him to experience it. He doesn't treat us like juniors, he treats everybody equally."
Under Rohit's captaincy, Sarfaraz Khan made his India debut earlier this year. He played against England in a Test series in February-March, scoring 200 runs in three matches at an average of 50. His highest score was 68 not out.
Sarfaraz stuck to his attacking style of batting during the Test series against England. The backing that he got from the team management and captain Rohit was evident in his game. He scored three half-centuries in the series.
"Lagaan is my favourite movie. Like how Aamir Khan made that team in the movie, in my eyes, Rohit Sharma is like Aamir Khan for this team," said Sarfaraz.
Rohit Sharma and company are back to business after a month-long break as the Indian cricket team has begun its preparations for the two-match Test series against Bangladesh that will kick off on September 19 in Chennai.