Batter Rahul Tripathi earned his maiden India call-up for the upcoming two-match T20I series against Ireland. Tripathi was named in the 17-man squad which will be led by all-rounder Hardik Pandya, with Bhuvneshwar Kumar named vice-captain. Tripathi scored 413 runs in 14 matches during the recently concluded IPL 2022 at an average of 37.55 and strike rate of 158.24. He, however, did not find a place in the Indian team for ongoing five-match T20I series against South Africa. After Tripathi earned his maiden India call-up, Twitter was flooded with congratulatory messages for the 31-year-old batter.
Here's how Twitter reacted as Rahul Tripathi earned his maiden India call-up:
Here are some of the fan reactions:
India and Ireland will play two T20Is in Malahide on June 26 and June 28, respectively.