Former India cricketer Ravichandran Ashwin was recently awarded the Padma Shri, becoming only the second cricketer from Tamil Nadu to receive the coveted civilian award. However, Ashwin had an unpleasent encounter with a fan, who asked the veteran spinner to credit India captain Rohit Sharma for the achievement. This came after a Ashwin replied to another fan, who had congratulated him for being awarded the Padma Shri. However, a fan, who had a usernamed @Hitman450745, made things uncomfortable for Ashwin with his reply on Ashwin's "thank you" comment.
"Thanku bolna hai toh rohit sharma ko bolo usne tumhe khilaya hai. (If you want to say thank you, then say it to Rohit Sharma as he gave you chances)," the fan said.
Ashwin, however, came up with a sharp retort for the user.
"Dey paithiyam (you mad)," Ashwin replied.
Ever since Ashwin announced his retirement, there has been a lot of speculation about the abrupt decision that happened in the middle of the 2024-25 Border Gavaskar Trophy.
Ashwin was picked in only one of the first three Tests, after which he announced his retirement from international retirement. After the decision, there have been several theories.
However, Ashwin recently opened up on his decision to quit international cricket.
"I needed this break. I left the series midway. I did not talk much about cricket, though I did post a few things on X after the Sydney and Melbourne Tests. I did not talk about retirement because I was in the dressing room and it was very important for me to respect the sanctum of the dressing room. The fan war is very toxic nowadays, " Ashwin said on Ash Ki Baat.
"You should know that sometimes it is done instinctively. People are saying many things but there is nothing like that. At that time, I thought I lost my creativity. Endings can be happy also. There is no reason to speculate much."