Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday wished a speedy recovery to India's star speedster, Mohammed Shami, who underwent an operation on his Achilles Tendon. The right-arm pacer took to X, on Monday to share an update about his successful heel operation on his achilles tendon. PM Modi took to X to wish a quick recovery to the 33-year-old and wrote, "Wishing you a speedy recovery and good health, @MdShami11! I'm confident you'll overcome this injury with the courage that is so integral to you." Earlier, Shami posted on X "Just had a successful heel operation on my achilles tendon! Recovery is going to take some time, but looking forward to getting back on my feet."
Shami missed the home T20I series against Australia following the ICC World Cup last year, and he was ruled out of the entire South Africa tour. He also missed the Afghanistan series and is not participating in the ongoing Test series against England.
The 33-year-old, who is not playing in the current five-match Test series against England, last represented India in the ODI World Cup final against Australia in November. The senior pacer finished as the tournament's highest wicket-taker and dismissed 24 batters in only 7 matches.
Shami, who took 24 wickets in India's spectacular World Cup campaign, played with agony due to landing issues but did not allow it to hinder his performance.
The latest update has reportedly ruled him out of the upcoming Indian Premier League (IPL) 2024. This comes as a significant blow to the franchise, as Shami was the leader of the Gujarat Titans' pace attack.Shami contributed significantly to GT's success in both seasons.
The 33-year-old bowler picked up 20 wickets in 2022 and followed it up with an even stronger performance in IPL 2023, taking 28 wickets at an average of 18.64. Shami was especially devastating with the new ball.