Wicketkeeper-batter N Jagadeesan posted an apology after he reacted with an indecent gesture after his dismissal in the opening match of the Tamil Nadu Premier League (TNPL) on Thursday. Jagadeesan was Mankaded by Baba Aparajith during the match between Nellai Royal Kings and Chepauk Super Gillies and as he walked back in anger, he turned around to show his middle finger in the bowler's direction. He then repeated the gesture again. On Friday, he took to Twitter to apologise for his behaviour.
"My deepest apologies to all of you for my inexcusable behaviour at yesterday's match," he wrote in his statement.
"Cricket has always been what I live for - and the sportsmanship that comes along with the sport is something I deeply respect. Which is why it is very hard for me to digest how I reacted," he added.
"Passion is always key in any sport - but controlling and channelising it the right way is more important. And that is something I failed at doing when I let my temper get the better of me," he wrote.
"No excuses for what has been done. I will do better and be better. With regret, Jagadeesan," the Chepauk Super Gillies opener signed off.
The incident happened in the fourth over of Super Ghillies' chase.
The match was a thrilling start to the latest edition of the TNPL. Nellai Royal Kings scored 184/4 and in reply, the Super Ghillies made 184/7.
Eventually, the Royal Kings came out on top after the Super Over.