In the inaugural edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL) in 2008, an incident took place that grabbed headlines all over the world. India teammates Harbhajan Singh and S Sreesanth, playing for opposing teams in the IPL, were involved in one of the biggest controversies to hit the tournament. Sreesanth, playing for Kings XI Punjab, was slapped by Mumbai Indians star Harbhajan Singh. Subsequently, the off-spinner received a lengthy ban. Having already admitted his mistake and apologised for the unruly incident, Harbhajan Singh once again opened up on the infamous 'slapgate' -- this time in the presence of Sreesanth.
The duo appeared on 'Pitch-Ed Battles with Vikram Sathaye' on Glance Live Fest where Harbhajan spoke about the embarrassment both him and Sreesanth had to go through after the incident.
"Whatever happened in that IPL match, it was wrong. From my side it was wrong. I made a mistake by doing that. Because of it my colleague, my own teammate had to face embarrassment. I had to face the embarrassment that I had done a thing like this," said the former India cricketer.
"Not just today, I have said on every platform, if I have to correct one mistake what I made on the field, was probably that mistake I made with Sreesanth. What happened on that day in Mohali, it shouldn't have happened. When I think about that incident, I feel that there was no need," Harbhajan Singh added.
Sreesanth also regretted the altercation the two had and felt it was his mistake as well, saying he has learned a lot since then.