Former Indian cricket team batter Aakash Chopra had his say on the ongoing controversy surrounding Hanuma Vihari's allegations on the Andhra Cricket Association (ACA). Chopra pointed out that although there has been 'mudslinging' from both sides, he believes Vihari's version of the events. Earlier, Vihari alleged 'mistreatment' from the cricket board and said that he was asked to resign from captaincy after an altercation with a teammate whose father is a politician. Vihari also posted a copy of his allegations on social media along with signatures from his teammates but ACA claimed that the players were 'forced'.
"Mud-slinging is happening, the blame game is happening from both sides. From a players' fraternity, you want to trust the player always. Hanuma Vihari is not just any player. He batted for Andhra with one hand when he had a fracture in his hand," Chopra said on his YouTube channel.
"He has had an incredible journey. He has helped Andhra qualify. He has got the team together. I have huge respect for him, whether it was the Sydney match where he played with a torn hamstring and put his career on the line, and then he batted one-handed for Andhra. I would want to actually believe Hanuma Vihari's version," he added.
Meanwhile, ACA has accused Vihari of creating a 'class difference' in the team under his captaincy with a few players complaining about his misbehaviour and use of foul language.
"Moreover, players had previously complained to the Andhra Team Managers Association that Vihari used foul language and misbehaved with fellow players during the Syed Mushtaq Ali tournament. It was stated that due to the behaviour of Hanuma Vihari, there was a class difference in the team," ACA said.