Former India all-rounder Madan Lal on Friday said India skipper Virat Kohli was not under pressure to step down from T20I captaincy and appreciated his decision. While speaking to ANI on Virat Kohli quitting T20I captaincy, he said: "There was no such pressure on him and I appreciate his decision. Today cricketers are playing all three formats of the game and Kohli is also captain of Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) and seeing the workload he is currently at the peak of his career which is good for himself and the team."
When asked about Sachin Tendulkar quitting the captaincy under pressure, Madan Lal said, "Kohli has not quit the captaincy as he has built a team and taken Indian team to number one Test ranking team so it's not about quitting. It's all about workload and there is pressure on everyone and you have to deal with that."
Talking about ODI and Test match captaincy, Lal said there should be no changes in both formats.
Talking about Rohit Sharma leading the T20 side, he said till now Rohit has done captaincy for Mumbai Indians and has done well in other matches.
"We are lucky we have another captain coming in and we are grooming them and captain also learns from grooming and Kohli has not left T20 and Rohit will benefit from the output Kohli gives him."
Madan Lal feels at present Rohit Sharma is the right candidate for T20 captaincy and the next skipper could be KL Rahul.
On Rahul being made T20 captain, Lal was against it and said Rohit is already there and there should be no overlap and it will spoil the team and Rahul can be made vice-captain.