Chennai Super Kings MS Dhoni is currently spending time away from the pitch. The former India captain leads a simple life, away from the chaos of social media. Since announcing his retirement from international cricket in 2020, he only appears on the cricket field during the Indian Premier League. Earlier this year, Dhoni guided CSK to a record-equalling fifth IPL title, following win over Gujarat Titans in the final. However, Dhoni is always in the news.
However, from flying in economy class, to driving a vintage Rolls Royce on the streets of Ranchi, Dhoni is always in the news.
Now, a video has emerged on social media where Dhoni can be seen taking navigation help from fans.
In the video, Dhoni is sitting on the front seat with his friend who was driving the vehicle.
"Ek gol chakkar aayega uske baad aap Ranchi ki taraf chale jaiye (You can proceed towards Ranchi after one of round abouts)," a fan can be heard as saying to Dhoni.
"Kaunsa, vo second murti waala gol chakkar (Are you talking about the round about near the second statue?)," Dhoni asked the fan with a local accent.
Dhoni clicked a few pictures with the fans before proceedings towards Ranchi.
Notably, Dhoni overcame a knee issue to help his team win the IPL title.
After the final, Dhoni had to undergo a surgery in Mumbai to sort out the issue.
While Dhoni likes to stay away from the media, his wife Sakshi Dhoni recently had said that he is recovering well and is doing his rehab.
It is not whether Dhoni will take part in next year's IPL.