As India and Bangladesh clash in the two-match Test series, the hosts' bowling coach Allan Donald has issued an apology to Rahul Dravid for sledging the Indian batter during a tri-nation series match in 1997. The incident happened during an ODI match in Durban. "There was one ugly incident in Durban when I talk about. Dravid and Sachin were smoking us to all parts. I overstepped the mark a little bit. I've just nothing but massive respect for Rahul Dravid. I would love to sit with Rahul and go out for a dinner and say sorry to him again about what happened that day. I just had to do something silly that brought his wicket actually," Donald said in an interview on Sony Sports Network.
"But I still apologise for what I said that day. What a great guy, what a great bloke. So, Rahul, if you are listening, I would love to have a night out with you."
Dravid, on the other hand, was all praise for the former pacer, adding that he would love to pick his brains.
"He was a great bowler. He's probably one of the best I have ever played in my career. I must admit when I see him now and meet him at the ground 'It's much nicer to see you like this without a ball in your hand and top of your mark with the sunscreen on the face.' He was an intimidating fast bowler and a terrific one. I would love to catch (up) with him and talk about fast bowling, he's gone on to become a very successful coach, coaching a lot of young fast bowlers," Dravid said.
"We have got a lot of young guys as well and it will be good to pick his brains. Just the privilege of sharing the field with him is phenomenal."