Lalit Modi, the first chairman of Indian Premier League, on Thursday sent social media into a frenzy after he announced a "new beginning" with actor Sushmita Sen. In an tweet posted in the evening, Modi wrote: "Just back in london after a whirling global tour #maldives # sardinia with the families - not to mention my #betterhalf @sushmitasen47 - a new beginning a new life finally. Over the moon."
The mention of "better half" by Modi led to much speculation, but the former cricket administrator later clarified in a separate tweet: "Just for clarity. Not married - just dating each other. That too it will happen one day."
The tweets sent social media into a tizzy.
Lalit Modi had left India in 2010 amid investigations into tax evasion and money-laundering. He has been in London since then.
Sushmita Sen was crowned Miss Universe in 1994. She made her Bollywood debut in the 1996 film Dastak. She has featured in films such as Biwi No 1, Do Knot Disturb, Main Hoon Na, Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya and Tumko Na Bhool Paayenge and No Problem.
Sushmita Sen is a single mom to two daughters - Alisah and Renee. Ms Sen adopted Renee in 2000 while Alisah joined the family in 2010. Renee made her acting debut with a short film. Sushmita Sen was last seen in the web series Aarya, which was nominated in the Best Drama Series category at the International Emmys last year.