Former India pacer RP Singh's father died on Wednesday. RP Singh took to Twitter to break the news with his fans, saying that he was suffering from Covid. "It is with deepest grief and sadness we inform the passing away of my father, Mr Shiv Prasad Singh. He left for his heavenly abode on 12th May after suffering from Covid. We request you to keep my beloved father in your thoughts and prayers. RIP Papa," RP Singh tweeted.
Former India cricketers tweeted their condolences messages for RP Singh's father.
"Our deepest condolences to you and the family! Stay strong brother," Pragyan Ojha wrote on Twitter.
"Our heartfelt condolences," Ramesh Powar said in his tweet.
Herschelle Gibbs, who played with RP Singh in the IPL while representing Deccan Chargers, also extended his condolences on Twitter.
"Sorry to hear about your pops rp... stay strong buddy," Gibbs said.
RP Singh, who played 14 Tests, 58 One-day Internationals and 10 Twenty20 Internationals, was part of the Indian team that won the inaugural edition of the T20 World Cup in 2007.
The 35-year-old left-arm seamer announced his retirement from all forms of the game in September 2018.
RP Singh picked up 15 wickets in T20Is, 69 in ODIs and 40 in the longest format of the game.
On Monday, Piyush Chawla, who was also part of the 2007 T20 World Cup winning squad, lost his father due to the deadly coronavirus.