England cricket team's fan group Barmy Army on Saturday shared a hilarious cricket video of sloppy fielding on social media. In the shared clip, a comedy of errors took place due to the fault of the wicketkeeper and bowler. Meanwhile, the funny incident saw the batters surviving close chances of getting dismissed. It all started with the batter on strike missing his shot. The wicketkeeper tried to run him out but he failed to hit the stumps and rather threw one of his gloves in air in the process.
Meanwhile, the batters tried to steal a run before the one on strike pulled out midway only to return back to his crease. The non-striker couldn't make it in time towards his end but a sloppy effort from the bowler saw him survive the run-out dismissal. A big laughter broke into the ground as soon as the entire thing ended.
"Another contender for one of the most village videos of all time," wrote the Barmy Army while sharing the video on Twitter.
Barmy Army often stays in news for its social media posts. The unit recently bore the brunt of MS Dhoni fans for taking a dig at the player on his 41st birthday, past Thursday.
"Happy Birthday MS, some amazing battles over the years," wrote Barmy Army on Twitter while sharing a picture of Dhoni walking towards the dugout after being dismissed in a match against England in 2019 World Cup.
While the Dhoni fans lashed out at Barmy Army, his Indian Premier League team Chennai Super Kings wrote "Thank you & Yellove on behalf of all Dhoni fans. We love the courtesy extended amidst these battles and the amazing memories like these which we cherish. #HappyBirthdayDhoni" while posting pictures of Dhoni from India's win over England in Champions Trophy final in 2013.