Chennai Super Kings Limited, the owners of Chennai Super Kings in the Indian Premier League (IPL), have made their entry into Cricket South Africa's upcoming T20 League. They will be owning the franchise based out of Wanderers, Johannesburg. Moments after the ownership was made official by the CSA, CSK CEO Kasi Viswanathan spoke to NDTV about the decision to make their entry into a foreign league and he also weighed in on whether CSK will look to enter other T20 leagues as well or not.
"We are looking for opportunities to play in other leagues and this is the main reason that we decided to invest in the Johannesburg franchise," Viswanathan told NDTV.
When asked whether CSK will look to enter other T20 leagues as well, CSK CEO said: "It depends. It depends on the business plan, we cannot confirm right now whether we will go or not."
All six teams in the new South African T20 league which is set to begin in January next year have been bought by the owners of franchises in the IPL. Reliance Industries Limited, RPSG Sports Private Limited, Sun TV Network Limited, Chennai Super Kings Cricket Limited, Royals Sports Group, and JSW Sports won the bids for the six franchises.
Reliance are the owners of the franchise which will have their home in Newlands, Cape Town while RPSG have bought the franchise based out of Kingsmead, Durban. The Sun TV Network's franchise will have its base in St George's Park, Gqeberha, while Boland Park in Paarl will be the home to the team bought by Royals Sports Group.
Supersport Park in Pretoria will be the team of JSW Sports.
"We are thrilled to welcome our new franchise owners to the South African League taking place in January and February 2023. This is truly an exciting time for South African cricket; the overwhelming interest shows that the country remains valued in the global cricketing eco-system," said Graeme Smith, the commissioner of CSA's T20 League in an official statement.