Cricket legend Kapil Dev underwent an emergency coronary angioplasty after complaining of a "chest pain", Fortis Escorts hospital said in a statement on Friday. As per the statement, the 1983 World Cup-winning captain went to the hospital's emergency department at 1:00 am on October 23rd "with a "complaint of chest pain". The statement further revealed that he was evaluated and "an emergency coronary Angioplasty was performed by Dr. Atul Mathur, Director of Cardiology Department, in the middle of night".
The hospital said that Kapil Dev is in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) but in a stable condition, now. He is expected to be discharged in a "couple of days".
"Former Indian Cricket captain Mr. Kapil Dev, Age 62 years, came to Fortis Escorts Heart Institute (Okhla Road) emergency department at 1:00 am on 23rd October with a complaint of chest pain. He was evaluated and an emergency coronary Angioplasty was performed by Dr. Atul Mathur, Director of Cardiology Department, in the middle of night," read a statement from Fortis Escorts, Okhla Road, New Delhi.
"Currently, he is admitted in ICU and under close supervision of Dr. Atul Mathur and his team. Mr. Kapil Dev is stable now and he is expected to get discharged in couple of days," the statement added.
Several sporting personalities, including Indian skipper Virat Kohli, badminton star Saina Nehwal, former India opener Gautam Gambhir and well-renowned commentator Harsha Bhogle took to Twitter to wish him a speedy recovery.
"Wishing the big-hearted, mighty Kapil Dev a speedy recovery. So much more to do." Bhogle tweeted.
"Wishing u speedy recovery sir @therealkapildev...," Saina wrote on the micro-blogging site.
Cricketer-turned-commentator Aakash Chopra urged his followers to pray for the quick recovery of legendary Indian cricketer who inspired an entire generation of young kids to take up the sport..
"Let's send a billion wishes and prayers to @therealkapildev. Get well soon, Paji," tweeted Aakash Chopra
Kapil Dev led India to its first-ever major world title in cricket when they shocked mighty West Indies to become the world champions in 1983.
India had to wait 28 long years to win their second 50-over World Cup when MS Dhoni-led Indian team lifted the trophy in 2011.
Kapil Dev is widely regarded as one of the best all-rounders to have played the game. He finished his Test career with 434 wickets -- a then world record. He also scored 5248 in the longest format at an average of 31.05.
He played 225 One-day Internationals and picked up 253 wickets, in addition to scoring 3783 runs. His knock of 175 not out against Zimbabwe in the 1983 World Cup is still regarded by many as one of the best ODI innings ever.