Ramiz Raja has launched a scathing attack on Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chairman Najam Sethi over the appointment of Mickey Arthur as director of cricket of the senior men's team. On Thursday, PCB confirmed the appointment of Arthur as the men's team director, a post which will ensure him play a major role in the preparations for the 50-over World Cup to be held in India later this year. However, the former Pakistan captain Raja tore into the PCB chief Sethi, calling the announcement 'crazy as a clown in a village circus' stuff.
"A first of its kind coach/director of cricket picked to run Pakistan cricket remotely, whose loyalty is first with his county job than Pakistan cricket. This is as crazy as a clown in a village circus," Ramiz told Cricbuzz.
The former PCB chief also launched a personal attack on successor, Sethi, labelling the 74-year-old as a "chairman who doesn't understand cricket".
"A PCB chairman who doesn't understand cricket, probably was not even good enough to make it to the XI in a club game, heads a cabal of political, petty minded club runners for a management committee to run Pakistan cricket affairs, who are on a Rs 12 lakhs a month salary," he added.
Arthur, who served as Pakistan head coach between 2016 and 2019, will be involved in designing, formulating and overseeing strategies for the men's team.
He coached Pakistan to No.1 in Tests and T20Is, and also helped the side win the ICC Champions Trophy 2017.