Indian cricket board captain Sourav Ganguly knows a thing or two about the kind of media scrutiny players come under, having faced a lot of it in an international career that spanned over 16 years. In a recent interview, the former India captain revealed just how he dealt with scrutiny in the news - by not reading it. Ganguly, one of India's most successful captains, said that all players come under the media scanner but he would not be bothered by "half of it" as he would be oblivious to what was being said about him.
Ganguly, appearing on "The Ranveer Show" on Youtube, was being asked about what advice he would give someone like Virat Kohli, who had come under immense scrutiny for a long lean patch of form recently, until his excellent showing in the Asia Cup which culminated in him finally breaking his near-three year-long century drought with his maiden T20I ton.
"Everybody has been under media scrutiny. Just the names keep changing over a period of time," Ganguly said.
The host asked Ganguly how he dealt with being "targeted" in the news.
"Half of it I won't get to know because I wouldn't read so much. I would enter hotels and the first thing I would say at the reception is, 'Boss, don't put the newspaper under my door in the morning'," he revealed.
"But now it's obviously a lot more. Social media, everything is on your computer, on your phone. But I think cricketers find a way to just shut that off," he went on to say.