Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma appeared together in an event recently and the banter between them won a lot of hearts. The Royal Challengers Bangalore star and the well-known Bollywood actress played a number of games that entertained the crowd while their conversations have already gone viral on social media. During one part of the chat show, Anushka was asked to sledge Kohli and she came up with a perfect sledge while imitating a wicket-keeper. “Aaj 24th April hai, aaj toh run bana le Kohli (Today April 24, at least score runs today, Kohli)," Anushka said.
However, Kohli was quick to come up with a reply that left the crowd in splits.
"Jitni tumhari puri team ne April, May, June, July mein run nahi banaye hai utne match hai mere. (I have more matches than all of your team's combined scores in April, May, June and July).
Anushka was already asked to imitate Kohli's celebration after taking a wicket. The former India skipper is well known for his passionate celebrations on the fall of wickets and Anushka was successfully in capturing his spirit. The actress ran around the area and celebrated emphatically as Kohli kept laughing.
“Dekho,ye sab cheezein hoti hain moment mein, ye baar baar chala ke aise mat kiya karo yaar, mere ko badi sharam aati hai (See, such things happen in the heat of the moment, don't play them again, I feel embarrassed), Kohli said while pointing towards the TV as the crowd cheered Anushka's attempt.