Former India batter Aakash Chopra on Saturday announced that he has tested positive for COVID-19. Chopra gave an update on his Twitter account, saying he also has mild symptoms but he should be doing fine soon. The former India commentary has been a part of the Hindi commentary panel for the ongoing IPL 2022. "After dodging the bullet for nearly two years...I have also succumbed to the C Virus. Yups. Symptoms are mild thus far... should be back on the saddle soon," tweeted Chopra on Saturday.
In his playing career, Chopra represented India in 10 Test matches, managing to score 437 runs at an average of 23 with his highest score being 60.
He had made his Test debut in 2003 against New Zealand in Ahmedabad and he had played his last Test one year later against Australia in Nagpur.
The former right-handed batter has also represented Kolkata Knight Riders in the IPL and he was a part of the franchise in the inaugural season.
Chopra is a now a pundit of the game and he regularly gives his take on the ongoing cricket matters and he has created a reputation for not mincing his words.