India teenager Donnarumma Gukesh scripted history on Sunday in the ongoing Aimchess Rapid online tournament as he defeated Magnus Carlsen, thereby becoming the youngest player ever to beat him as world champion. The 16-year-old Donnarumma defeated Carlsen with white in the 9th round and hence he defeated the Norwegian during his reign as world champion.
It is important to note that Carlsen was defeated by Indian Grandmaster Arjun Erigaisi as well.
Earlier Erigaisi on Sunday defeated Carlsen in round seven of the preliminaries of the Aimchess Rapid online chess tournament. Erigaisi won three straight games, beating Nils Grandelius (Sweden), Daniel Naroditsky (USA) and Carlsen before settling for a draw against Jan-Krzyszstof Duda (Poland).
Erigaisi had last month lost to Carlsen in the final of the Julius Baer Generation Cup online tournament. His 54-move win over the world champion enabled him to bounce back after a slow start to the event and brought him back in the top eight.
The Aimchess Rapid tournament is part of the Meltwater Champions Tour and features 16 players, including five from India.
With PTI inputs