The Indian duo of MR Arjun and Dhruv Kapila advanced to the last 16 stages of the ongoing BWF World Championships 2022 after defeating Denmark's Kim Astrup and Anders Skaarup Rasmussen in the second round of men's doubles category on Wednesday. Playing on court 2, the India duo emerged victorious by 21-17, 21-16. Arjun and Kapila dominated the match and sealed it in two straight games. The Danish opposition fought well but was not good enough to end on the winning side.
Earlier on Tuesday, the Indian duo of Ashwini Ponnappa and N Sikki Reddy crashed out of the ongoing BWF World Championships 2022 after losing in their second-round match in the women's doubles category against China's Chen Qing Chen and Jia Yi Fan on Wednesday.
Playing on court 1, Ponnappa and Sikki lost the game by 15-21, 10-21. The Indian duo looked off-colour and could not match the intensity and shot-making by the Chinese. The result was a crash-out within just two straight games.
In another women's doubles match on court 3, the Indians faced disappointment once again as duo of Pooja Santosh and Sanjana Dandu succumbed to a defeat to the South Korean duo of Lee So-hee and Shin Seung Chan.
Like the previous match, the Indians endured a humiliating loss in straight games and lost the match by 15-21, 7-21.
The BWF World Championships 2022 started in Japan from August 22 and will go on till August 28.