Indian javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra, who won a gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics 2020 and is currently the reigning world champion, was in attendance at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad during the Cricket World Cup 2023. India faced Australia in a much-anticipated clash but Rohit Sharma and Co were defeated as the Aussies marched on to a record-extending sixth world title. During a recent interview with Indian Express, Neeraj was asked about the broadcasters not featuring him on the giant screen or the television while a host of celebrities were shown on camera. The track and field athlete was not bothered by the question and he came up with a perfect reply. Neeraj said that he was not thinking about the camera showing him and requested the broadcasters to show events like the Diamond League properly.
"I want them to show me when I compete. When I participate in the Diamond League they don't telecast it properly. Woh cheez hai asli(that's the real deal). At that time, they only show highlights. I went to Ahmedabad just to watch the match and I thoroughly enjoyed it," he said.
"I would have obviously enjoyed it more had India won, but I had a good time in the stands. I never wanted the camera to pan towards me, that thought didn't even cross my head," he added.
Earlier, Neeraj answered some really interesting questions about his life , from his favourite sports movie to what he would have been if not a sportsperson.
The star javelin thrower was in Bengaluru to speak at Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) Innovation Lab's Leaders Meet India.
He played a rapid-fire question game at the event.
On the first thing that comes to his mind when he sees Bengaluru, Neeraj said, "I have trained here in 2016-17, I remember it. It was really good."
Neeraj said that when it comes to playing cricket, he can do both batting and bowling well, though he prefers to do bhatta (throwing) style of bowling.
"I can bat well. I can also bowl some good bhatta (throw) balls if asked to," said Neeraj.
Neeraj said that his role model is javelin thrower Jan Zelezny, who has a world record in the discipline. He is a Czech Republic athlete who holds the record of the best throw in men's javelin throw with 98.48 metres. He also a world and Olympic champion.
(With ANI inputs)