India's Olympic gold medallist Neeraj Chopra on Wednesday attended a Garba event in Gujarat's Vadodara. He was given a grand reception and the excitement of the crowd was palpable. He was seen doing the Puja before performing a Garba dance with some of the members at the event. The crowd was seen chanting loudly when Neeraj went up on stage. In another video, he was also seen waving at the crowd from the stands.
2022 was a great year for Neeraj Chopra. He broke the national record for javelin throw twice, while also winning the silver medal at the World Athletics Championships.
He then capped it off by winning the Diamond League final in Zurich.
The only blip in the year for Neeraj was when an injury picked up at the World Championships ruled him out of the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.
With the Diamond League final, Neeraj's season this year came to an end and he is now going to focus on next year's events.