Star India sprinter Hima Das has been provisionally suspended by the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) for three whereabout failures in 12 months, according to sources. The 23-year-old Assam runner has not been named in the Hangzhou Asian Games team due to an injury she had sustained earlier this year. "Yes, she has committed three whereabout failures in one year period and so she has been provisionally suspended by the NADA," an Indian team official told PTI on conditions of anonymity. She faces a maximum two-year ban, which can be reduced to a minimum of one year depending on the degree of her fault. Hima had won a 400m individual silver at the 2018 Jakarta Asian Games.
She was also a part of the gold and silver winning women's 4x400m and mixed 4x400m relay quartets in Jakarta.
Under the World Athletics Anti-Doping (WADA) rules, any combination of three whereabouts failures -- filing failure and/or missed test -- within a period of 12 months constitute an anti-doping rule violation.