Indian athlete Ancy Sojan Edappilly on Monday bagged a silver medal in the women's long jump in the ongoing Asian Games 2023. On her fifth try, she registered her personal best of 6.63m and secured a podium finish. China's Shiqi Xiong also broke through her limits and gave a personal best of 6.73m. The bronze medal was secured by Nga Yan from Hong Kong with a distance of 6.50 which was also her personal best. Shaili Singh was another Indian athlete who was competing in the women's long jump. But her efforts were not enough to bring another medal for India. She ended up in the fifth position with an attempt of 6.48m. Earlier in the day, Parul Chaudhary and Priti secured silver and bronze medals respectively in the women's 3000-metre steeplechase.
Asian Games Medals Tally | Asian Games Full Schedule
Parul gave her personal best timing of 9:27.63s to secure a podium finish behind Bahrain's Winfred Mutile who set the Asian Games record timing of 9:18.28s.
On the other hand, Priti clocked her personal best timing of 9:43.32s to walk away with a bronze.