The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on Thursday confirmed that the match timings for the 1st ODI between India and South Africa have been changed due to rain. The game which was slated to start at 1:30 PM will now start at 2 PM. The toss will take place at 1:30 PM.
"Update. Rain delay! After an early inspection, the Toss and Match Time for the #INDvSA Lucknow ODI has been pushed by half an hour. The Toss will be at 1:30 PM IST. Play begins at 2:00 PM IST," BCCI tweeted.
On Wednesday, on the eve of the match, India's practice session was cancelled due to rain, and there is some forecast for some more rain on Thursday so the question needs to be asked -- will the 1st ODI be spoiled by a downpour in Lucknow?
As per Accuweather, around 1 PM, 94 per cent cloud cover is expected with 1.6mm of rainfall also predicted on the radar. Humidity would be around 82 per cent.
The cloud cover is forecasted to be there throughout the day. Once again around 3 PM, some more rain is on the radar so it needs to be seen whether the game is spoiled by a downpour or drizzle.
As the second-string side gets ready for the ODI series, it is important to mention that the main side have departed for Australia for the upcoming T20 World Cup. The Rohit Sharma-led team left for Down Under on Thursday morning.