The Indian men's pair of Dinesh Kumar and Sunil Bahadur defeated England to advance to the quarter-finals of the lawn bowls event in the Commonwealth Games on Sunday. Dinesh Kumar (skip) and Sunil Bahadur (lead) won 18-15. The duo was 10-5 ahead after the eighth end and thwarted English pair's effort to make a comeback.
The Indian pair had gone down to Malaysia 14-17 in their first game on Friday but bounced back with wins over Falkland Islands (36-4) and Cook Islands (15-8).
They will now take on Northern Ireland in the quarter-final scheduled later in the day at 10.30 pm. Tania Choudhary defeated Shauna O'Neill of Northern Ireland 21-12 to record a consolation win in women's singles competition. She had already bowed out of competition.
The Indian men's triples team had also crashed out of the event after two losses and a tie.