Star India player Smriti Mandhana on Monday was ecstatically happy at winning a gold medal at the ongoing Asian Games in Hangzhou and said that she had tears in her eyes when the national anthem was played. Mandhana said that it was a very special moment for her and was happy to contribute to India's medal tally in the multi-sport event. "This is very special. We have seen this on TV. When Neeraj Chopra won the Gold, I had a match... the manner in which the National Anthem was played and India's National Flag went up, I think it was pretty special and I had tears in my eyes... really happy that we could contribute to the medal tally of the Indian contingent... gold is gold... really happy that we gave our best today," Mandhana said ANI.
A stellar spell from Titas Sandhu and magnificent spin bowling from Deepti Sharma and Devika Vaidya helped India defend a fair total of 117 runs to clinch the gold medal in the women's cricket tournament at the ongoing Hangzhou Asian Games, beating Sri Lanka in the final by 19 runs at Hangzhou on Monday.
Following this, the Indian women's team captured a cricket gold medal in their first Asian Games outing.
The Indian women's team opted to bat first and set a target of 117/7 after Smriti Mandhana played a stunning knock of 46 runs. Meanwhile, Jemimah Rodrigues played a 42-run inning.
For Sri Lanka, Udeshika Prabodhani took 2/16, Inoka Ranaweera picked up two wickets for 21 runs while Sugandika Kumari also cleared up two scalps for 30.
Chasing a low target, India restricted Sri Lanka to 97/8 to win the first-ever gold.
Titas was the pick of the bowlers, taking three scalps for just 6 runs. Rajeshwari Gayakwad took two wickets while Devika Vaidya picked up one wicket.
With this gold, India now has 11 medals at the Asian Games which includes two golds, three silvers, and six bronze medals.
BCCI Secretary Jay Shah congratulated the Indian Women's team for their superlative effort at the Asian Games.
"Indian women's cricket team wins Gold at the #AsianGames with a dominant win over Sri Lanka, led by 18-year-old sensation #TitasSadhu's bowling brilliance (3 for 6). Congratulations to the team and support staff for this historic achievement!" Jay Shah said in a post on X.