Former England cricket team skipper Michael Vaughan weighed in on the controversy surrounding Ravindra Jadeja's press conference where he allegedly refused to speak in English. Vaughan said that the entire episode could have been avoided if Australian journalists used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to transcribe the interview. During India's first media interaction ahead of the Boxing Day Test, Jadeja answered questions only in Hindi. The BCCI media team informed that Jadeja will not be taking any questions in English as they have to "catch the bus." It resulted in a big controversy with media reports claiming that Jadeja was speaking in Hindi because the interaction was mainly for Indian reporters.
"India are a powerhouse. They clearly think cameras at the airport and filming families is a step too far. And this is their way of reacting. It just adds more drama for me. There are AI systems that you can use to translate Hindi into Australian English. So if they are not willing to speak in English.. Just put it into the system and it'll come out as Australian English You just quote Jadeja in what comes in the AI. It might not be the exact same but it will be quite funny," he said in the Club Praire Fire podcast.
Vaughan also made a comment regarding the Indian cricket team media manager's "We have bus to catch" comment while refusing questions from the Australian media. Vaughan said that he believes Indian team does not travel by bus and they have "pretty cool cars".
"I don't think they have buses. That's a lie. I think they have cars. I'm pretty sure they don't go on a double decker team bus. They have pretty cool cars," he added.
With the series tied at 1-1 after three matches, the Boxing Day Test is significant for both India and Australia when it comes to their World Test Championship (WTC) Final dreams.