RCB vs CSK Weather Report: In 5 Points

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Image: BCCI
Image: BCCI

The RCB vs CSK IPL 2024 match in Bengaluru is likely to be affected by the rain.

The game at M Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bengaluru is scheduled to take place on May 18.

Image: BCCI

The official toss time for the game is 7 PM IST with the action set to begin at 7:30 PM.

Image: BCCI

Here are the five points related to the weather during RCB vs CSK match -

Image: BCCI

1st Point - For the day, the temperature is expected to stay in the range of 31 degree Celsius to 22, as per AccuWeather.

Image: BCCI

2nd Point - The chances of rainfall in the day is 78 per cent.

Image: BCCI

3rd Point - From 7PM to 11 PM, the temperature is expected to range between 27 degree Celsius to 24.

Image: BCCI

4th Point - The chances of rainfall are expected to increase from 7 PM to reach a maximum of 51 per cent by 11 PM.

Image: BCCI

5th Point - The wind speed during the match is expected to stay between 20 km/h and 17 km/h.

Image: BCCI

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